Interesting find!
That's got me asking myself more questions, like is that transition valve adjustable to input or output pressures to calibrate braking pressures between the two systems? Seems like there would be a need for that. I laughed when he grabbed that big lever on the floor, I guess...
Heavy Equipment Forums is currently offline for an unknown reason. I'm working to get it restore as quickly as possible but cannot give an estimate on when that might be. Sorry for the inconvenience.
This has turned into quite a project!! I've been experiencing problems obtaining materials at work, they're all blaming the Covid issue. I'll be glad when it's over!
Your progress looks great! It would be a shame to quit. This ridiculous lockdown has a lot of people bummed, myself included. I'll encourage you to keep at it, it's a diversion for both you and those of us following.
You said in the video that 4 of the cyliders were in good shape, I guess the other two were not? Did the sludge clean up easily? How's the injection system?
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