Truck Shop
Well-known member
I can finally start the first thread here with this Diamond REO. I'm guessing on the year and I only felt comfortable taking one photo.
I have some words of wisdom for those wanting to scope out old trucks and equipment like I do. Be DAMN careful. This day and age
you might not know what your driving or walking into. I always scope a place out real good I use binoculars 80% of the time.
Today was one of those days, I knocked on the door no one answered I thought I herd someone out in the the shop so I yelled out
twice as I walked to the shop. The large door was facing the other way so I walked at an angle to the door and yelled out again.
No one answered so I just quickly snapped a photo turned to leave and saw two fairly fresh deer hanging just inside the shop.
I looked behind me and backed up to my pickup and slowly backed down the drive.
Two years ago I was scoping out what looked like a 53 Stude shortbox setting in weeds behind a place in the middle of nowhere.
With the binoc's It was pretty obvious It was a meth cook house.
I don't hunt and I don't begrudge someone that does, but poaching doesn't cut it with me. I called the State Game Dept. And that meth
house got a visit from the Sheriff. So be careful when your out looking for old trucks you never know what you will find.
Now for that pic of the REO
Truck Shop

I have some words of wisdom for those wanting to scope out old trucks and equipment like I do. Be DAMN careful. This day and age
you might not know what your driving or walking into. I always scope a place out real good I use binoculars 80% of the time.
Today was one of those days, I knocked on the door no one answered I thought I herd someone out in the the shop so I yelled out
twice as I walked to the shop. The large door was facing the other way so I walked at an angle to the door and yelled out again.
No one answered so I just quickly snapped a photo turned to leave and saw two fairly fresh deer hanging just inside the shop.
I looked behind me and backed up to my pickup and slowly backed down the drive.
Two years ago I was scoping out what looked like a 53 Stude shortbox setting in weeds behind a place in the middle of nowhere.
With the binoc's It was pretty obvious It was a meth cook house.
I don't hunt and I don't begrudge someone that does, but poaching doesn't cut it with me. I called the State Game Dept. And that meth
house got a visit from the Sheriff. So be careful when your out looking for old trucks you never know what you will find.
Now for that pic of the REO
Truck Shop